
We Are Meant to Rise

We Are Meant to Rise: Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World

Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World

The School of Liberal Arts and Cultures and Student Life at Minneapolis College are hosting a virtual release and panel discussion featuring editors and writers from the book We are Meant to Rise: Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World on April 14 from Noon to 1:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

More information and join the event.

We Are Meant to Rise: Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World is a brilliant and rich gathering of voices reflecting the American experience during the past year and beyond, from Indigenous writers and writers of color from Minnesota. The writers bear witness to one of the most unsettling years in U.S. history, with essays and poems that vividly reflect the traumas endured in 2020, beginning with the COVID-19 pandemic and deepened by the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the uprisings that immersed our city into the epicenter of worldwide demands for justice.

We Are Meant to Rise: Voices for Justice from Minneapolis to the World merges the events of today, the past year and centuries before, in works that are powerful testaments to the intrinsic and unique value of all who make up our community, lifting up the often overlooked voices of BIPOC writers in Minnesota. It contains works from authors with respected international reputations to those newly emerging; and features people from many cultures, including Indigenous Dakota and Anishinaabe, African America, Hmong, Somali, Afghani, Lebanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Puerto Rican, Columbian, Mexican, transracial adoptees, mixed race and LGBTQ+ perspectives.

“Minneapolis College strives to create a space that reflects and respects our community and honors and acknowledges the unique experiences of all people,” said Jessica Prody, Interim Dean of Liberal Arts and Cultures at Minneapolis College who reaffirms the College’s commitment to equity and inclusion and supporting the success of every member of our community. “I see this event as a way for the campus to create valuable connections and show how powerful telling our stories can be.”

In the introduction of the book, editor David Mura says, “Diversity is our strength. Each new voice who becomes part of America is our strength. The writers in this anthology provide us with individualized portraits of who we are, and in doing so, they can help us to know each other, our neighbors, our fellow citizens. These writers prove we are indeed more than a single story.”

“When I was approached to co-sponsor this event, I wholeheartedly jumped at the chance to support it,” said Tara Martinez, director of Student Life at Minneapolis College who is looking forward to students and our greater college community having an opportunity to hear from and connect with BIPOC thought leaders, authors and poets from our local community. “Our Minneapolis community has been at the nexus of the racism pandemic during the past few years and it will serve us well to listen to the observations and lessons of our BIPOC neighbors and scholars during this informative and inspirational event.”

The event will be moderated by David Mura and include readings and commentary from Pamela Fletcher Bush, Ricardo Levins Morales, Melissa Olson, Diane Wilson and Minneapolis College English faculty member Shannon Gibney.

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